VP Sara: “No penalties against the reprimanding teacher”


Education Secretary Sara Duterte stated that no punishment would be imposed on the teacher who garnered attention on social media for scolding her students while live on TikTok. Duterte, also the Vice President, emphasized that she perceived no malicious intent behind the teacher’s actions, attributing them to human emotions and the challenges teachers face in managing large classes. Instead of penalties, Duterte instructed the Department of Education’s regional director in the National Capital Region to advise the teacher to exercise restraint and take breaks when feeling frustrated. The teacher’s explanation, stating she was unaware she was live, was taken into account. Duterte suggested stress debriefing for students affected by the incident, highlighting available resources for such support. The Teachers Dignity Coalition welcomed Duterte’s stance but called for established policies to address similar occurrences in the future.

Politics News: VP Sara: “No penalties against the reprimanding teacher”

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