PH scientists were subjected to harassment by a Chinese helicopter


Another incident of harassment by Chinese forces at sea has been reported, this time near Pag-Asa Island last Saturday. Filipino scientists conducting research on a sand bar called Sandy Cay were subjected to danger when a white helicopter with Chinese markings and tail number 57 approached the area, hovering just 50 feet above the group. The helicopter’s maneuvering caused a whirlwind, resulting in minor injuries to the scientists and disrupting their work. No further details about the identities of the scientists or the extent of their injuries were provided.

The incident occurred on the same day that the Chinese coast guard attempted to block Filipino vessels from resupplying a military outpost on the BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal. The Department of Agriculture, when asked for comment on the Sandy Cay incident, deferred to the BFAR, an attached agency of the DA.

Tensions between Chinese and Philippine vessels in the strategic waterway have escalated in recent times, with confrontations and collisions becoming increasingly common. Last week, a BFAR boat carrying marine scientists to Sandy Cay encountered a China coast guard vessel, which came within 330 feet of the boat. The Chinese vessel then sounded a siren for over 30 minutes, attracting Chinese maritime militia boats in the area.

Contrary to Chinese claims, the scientific team was able to complete its mission despite the presence of Chinese vessels and a military helicopter circling overhead. The Philippines and China have a long-standing dispute over territorial claims in the South China Sea, with China asserting control over vast areas including the Spratly Islands, in defiance of international rulings.

In addition to territorial disputes, concerns about the environmental degradation of marine ecosystems in the West Philippine Sea have prompted scientific research initiatives. Researchers from UP Los Baños are conducting a valuation of natural resources in the area to guide policies for sustainable management. This project aims to account for ecosystem assets and services in the West Philippine Sea, addressing issues such as overexploitation, pollution, and neglect.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Coast Guard condemned the recent actions of the Chinese coast guard, accusing them of illegally harassing Filipino troops and endangering lives. China’s continued disregard for international law and agreements has raised tensions in the region, prompting calls for support from the international community to uphold freedom of navigation and adherence to the rules-based order.

News: PH scientists were subjected to harassment by a Chinese helicopter

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