Singtel has launched the iSHIP marine platform


18 May 2022

SINGTEL, a communications technology company, recently announced iSHIP, an all-in-one platform for the marine industry that provides vital satellite-enabled connectivity and digital services.

Ship managers and owners benefit from iSHIP’s comprehensive crew and fleet management services, which provide them more flexibility and visibility over their resources and operations, resulting in improved crew wellbeing, vessel safety, and operational efficiency.

Currently, approximately 90% of all items are transported by water, from finished goods to food, gasoline, and other commodities, with maritime trade volume expected to treble by 2050. During the pandemic, shipping companies had to quickly digitalize vital operations such as navigation, power supply, engine control, and cargo management, which were formerly manual duties, while also ensuring that ship employees remained healthy and safe.

“Our seas are a major mode of global trade and transport,” said Ooi Seng Keat, vice president of Carrier Services at Singtel. “However, the pandemic has disrupted global supply chains and shipping operations, forcing strained crews, who are more accustomed to traditional or manual processing methods, to navigate fragmented digital resources and applications.

Singtel is the only operator in Southeast Asia to have the World Teleport Association’s highest certification for providing clients with the best security, infrastructure, and operating requirements for their communications needs.

Singtel continues to lead the market in offering connection support and more for hundreds of clients and thousands of vessels sailing the seas at any given moment with the launch of iSHIP marine platform.

Smart, secure, and long-term maritime operations require end-to-end communication.

With more crew members at sea for longer periods of time, ensuring their safety is paramount. Because Singtel has access to high-throughput satellites orbiting the earth, ship owners can add extra bandwidth as needed, anywhere on the planet. Sailors may stay in touch with loved ones by browsing the web, using social media, and making voice and video calls with fast and dependable connectivity.

It is critical to receive immediate medical assistance for major injuries, yet due to pandemic measures, many sailors are unable to disembark or receive skilled medical experts on board. Most crews may currently only phone doctors closer to ports or try to reach one via video conferencing – maintaining a constant connection without satellites can be difficult.

By the third quarter, iSHIP will feature teleadvisory services, giving seafarers direct access to a trained medical practitioner who can help in instances where the aboard medic’s skills are insufficient. Singtel’s new service assures that a doctor is always available to provide urgent assistance, saving time in the event of a medical emergency.

iSHIP marine platform helps ship owners and operators improve operational efficiency and productivity while lowering costs, particularly in fuel and operational maintenance, by harnessing the latest in marine Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics.

Ship owners and captains can use data from sensors and other monitoring devices to optimize routes and workloads, as well as improve quality control and quality assurance. IoT devices also assist shipping businesses in meeting the maritime industry’s ambitious objective of reducing carbon intensity of all ships by at least 40% by 2030, which was set in June of last year.

The maritime industry is increasingly concerned about cyberattacks. iSHIP marine platform offers advanced security against malicious efforts, as well as training and evaluation courses for ship crews to improve their cyber hygiene and reduce the risk of human mistake.

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