Clark International Airport recognition and applause at Routes Asia 2024


Clark International Airport (CRK) was honored with an award at Routes Asia 2024, held in Langkawi, Malaysia. CRK clinched the Routes Asia Marketing Awards in the 5 million Passenger airport category, a recognition attributed to its remarkable performance in 2023. Handling nearly two million passengers that year marked a staggering 160% increase from the previous year.

This award acknowledges CRK’s excellence in route development marketing, a testament to its efforts in enhancing connectivity and fostering positive trends in the aviation sector. Competing against other notable airports like Cairns Airport, GMR Goa International Airport, Hat Yai International Airport, and Sendai International Airport, CRK emerged victorious due to its significant passenger growth and successful onboarding of new airlines.

With the addition of four international carriers and expansion to 13 more destinations, CRK aims to provide better airport services and experiences to its passengers. Noel Manankil, CEO and President of Luzon International Premiere Airport Development Corp. (LIPAD), expressed gratitude for the recognition, emphasizing the collective efforts of the team behind CRK.

Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco also lauded CRK’s achievement, highlighting its positive impact on the aviation and tourism industries. Frasco emphasized the government’s commitment to enhancing connectivity and maximizing regional gateways like Clark and Cebu to expand direct flights to key destinations across the country.

Frasco acknowledged the challenges in connectivity faced by the Philippines compared to its ASEAN counterparts but affirmed the Department of Tourism’s efforts to work with other stakeholders to address these challenges and achieve its target of 7.7 million international visitors this year.

Business News: Clark International Airport recognition and applause at Routes Asia 2024

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