SpaceX rocket successfully launched on ambitious mission to land on the moon


A US spacecraft embarked on a lunar landing mission from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, marking the second private-led attempt this year. Intuitive Machines, based in Houston, aims to achieve a soft touchdown on the Moon with its Nova-C lander named “Odysseus.” Riding atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, the hexagonal lander lifted off shortly after 1:00 am local time, following a brief postponement due to abnormal temperatures during fueling.

NASA confirmed the successful separation of the Nova-C lander, propelling it toward the Moon. Equipped with a new supercooled liquid methane and oxygen engine, the lander seeks to swiftly reach its destination to minimize exposure to the Van Allen belt’s high radiation.

Intuitive Machines’ Trent Martin emphasized the significance of returning the United States to the Moon for the first time since 1972, highlighting the engineering feat and the hunger for exploration driving the mission.

Despite the delay, the lander is scheduled to reach its landing site, Malapert A, on February 22, located 300 kilometers from the Moon’s south pole. NASA envisions establishing a long-term presence and utilizing resources like ice for drinking water and rocket fuel under its Artemis program, aimed at lunar exploration and eventual missions to Mars.

Intuitive Machines received $118 million from NASA to transport science hardware aimed at understanding and mitigating environmental risks for astronauts. Additionally, the lander carries a digital archive of human knowledge and miniature sculptures of the Moon by artist Jeff Koons. The payloads are expected to operate for about seven days before lunar nightfall renders the lander inactive.

News: SpaceX rocket successfully launched on ambitious mission to land on the moon

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